Frequently Asked Questions

What do we mean by FREE dental care?
Young people are entitled to free basic dental care from birth until their 18th birthday.

What is free basic dental care?
Basic dental care includes:

  • dental examination and if necessary dental radiographs
  • advice and education for good oral health
  • preventative treatment, such as topical fluoride and fissure sealants (protective coatings)
  • restorations (fillings), stainless steel crowns and extractions.

What happens in a dental emergency?
If a child aged 0-18 has an accident and damages/knocks their teeth it is strongly recommended to register with ACC. Contact your usual dentist to register the accident or if you do not have a dentist, phone our Community Oral Health Service (COHS) for advice on where to go. Please note our COHS dental clinics do not register ACC reports. If restorative treatment is required after the accident this is be done by a dentist. ACC will often fund a part of the cost, therefore query this with the private dental staff.

What to do when my child is experiencing dental pain?
If your child aged 0-13 (Year 8) is in pain, please call 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) as soon as possible to be triaged. We will ask you questions relating to your child’s dental concern and ask if you can send a photo of the area causing pain. When a dental or oral health therapist is available, they will contact you with further instructions. Due to limited appointments available children are prioritised based on their severity level.

If our clinics are closed (for example over the weekend) when your child is in pain, contact the on-call dentist on 06 753 7866. If your child has a swollen face take them to the hospital emergency department as soon as possible! Alternatively, if the pain is not urgent you can call Healthline on 0800 611 116 for free 24-hour advice. When able please leave a message on our COHS voicemail stating your name, your child’s name, your child’s date of birth, your contact phone number and a brief message stating your concern. When our clinic is open our dental staff will contact you as soon as they can.

Will the dental care my child currently receives still be free?
Yes, from birth to 18 years of age the dental care received will continue to be free of charge.

What to do if my child is sick on the day of their appointment?
If your child is unwell do not present to the dental clinic, call the clinic to reschedule your appointment. If you present to the dental clinic unwell, please be aware you may be turned away and rescheduled.

Can I book all my children in for dental check-ups at once to avoid having multiple visits?
Yes, we would prefer to have family/whānau dental checks together, where possible.

Can I schedule my children’s dental appointment for during the school holidays?
Yes, subject to availability.

Will my children have dental X-rays onsite?
All the equipment, including X-ray machines will be onsite.

If my children’s dental appointment location changes, how will I know where to go?
Our COHS staff will contact you by phone or text to advice you of the date and time as well as where to go for the dental check.

If I cannot go to where the dental appointment is, is there any transport help or another place I can take my children for their dental check?
Yes, the dental staff can discuss your child’s dental appointment and options available with you.

Where does my child go for dental care if they have a disability?
There is no change to the dental service provided for children and adolescents with disabilities; they continue to be provided by the fixed dental clinics.

Can I change where my child receives dental care?
Yes, it is possible to change where you receive dental care. Ask your dental staff for help. You are welcome to take your child to a private dental clinic at your own cost. However, returning to our public service with a referral of treatment required, unfortunately will not allow you to skip the queue and book an appointment. Due to work force challenges we are prioritising children with pain, infections and those who are most overdue.

Can I take my child to see an orthodontist without a referral?
Yes. Please be aware orthodontics is a private cost.

Last updated: Wednesday, October 16, 2024

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