Community Oral Health Service
In Taranaki free basic dental care for children and young people (aged 0-17) is provided by Te Whatu Ora Taranaki Community Oral Health Service (previously the school dental service) and contracted dentists.
Basic dental care includes:
- An annual check up
- Oral health advice and encouragement for good oral health
- Examination and dental X-rays, if necessary
- Preventative treatment, such as topical fluoride and fissure sealants (coatings)
- Restorations (fillings) and extractions
Children can be enrolled for free dental visits from birth. It is important to look after baby teeth as decay can affect a child’s eating, their speech and development, and may even affect their adult teeth as well. As children grow regular dental care helps to keep teeth healthy and means problems can be recognised and treated early. Free dental services continue for teenagers until their 18th birthday; regardless of whether they attend a school or not.
Children requiring treatment that cannot be provided by the Community Oral Health Service are referred to either a private dentist or the Taranaki DHB Hospital Dental Unit.
Basic dental care does not include:
- Orthodontic treatment, including the extraction of teeth for orthodontic purposes. If you are considering orthodontic treatment for your child, the Dental Council have developed an information sheet and video to help you understand your options
- Tooth whitening
- Accident (ACC) related dental treatment
Care will not be free if you chose a dentist who does not have a contract with the DHB. For a list of contracted dentists click here.