Community Support Service (CSS)
Te Whatu Ora Taranaki Community Support Service is a needs assessment and service co-ordination (NASC) service that works with older people who have health or disability issues to help support them to live at home.
Every eligible person who wishes to receive disability support services funded by Te Whatu Ora must have a needs assessment. The service uses the InterRAI assessments tools to assess all your health and social needs and to develop a care plan in partnership with you and your family/whānau. Usually we visit you at home however some assessments can be completed over the telephone. We can also refer you on for help from other services if needed. For example, to physiotherapy or district nursing services.
If you have a number of issues which impact on your health and wellbeing you may be assigned a care manager. This person works alongside your GP and hospital services to make sure everyone involved in your healthcare works together to help you.
The service also identifies what support your family/whanau can give and what support they might need in order to be able to help you.
Examples of funded support services include:
- Restorative services aimed at improving your independence
- Therapy services eg Older People’s Health rehabilitation programmes
- Home based support services (e.g. support with housework, personal care services)
- Community and Residential Care-Based Day Programmes
- Respite care services
- Assistance with shopping
- Long term residential care services
Who is eligible for services?
The Community Support Service is available to older people aged over 65 years, or those between 50 – 65 years who are considered to be “like in age and interest” (i.e. who have a health condition or disability more commonly seen in older people, such as dementia or stroke).To be eligible for funded support services you must have an aged related disability which is likely to continue for a minimum of six months and results in a reduction of independent function to the extent that on going support is required.
Enquiries and referrals
Your enquiry and referral are welcome. Referrals can be made by GPs, health professionals, clients, their families/whānau, support organisations or a friend.The client or caregiver’s consent must be obtained prior to making a referral.
Send referrals to:
Email: OPH Referral Hub
Private Bag 2016
New Plymouth 4342
Contact us:
Community Support ServiceTe Whatu Ora Taranaki
Private Bag 2016
New Plymouth 4620
Telephone: 06 759 7214 or 0800 823 443
Last updated: Friday, March 24, 2017