Frequently Asked Questions
Am I suitable for the position?
It is important that you read the advertisement in full. The advertisement will state the skills, experience and qualifications required. The manager will use those to shortlist candidates. It is likely you will not be shortlisted if you do not demonstrate you have the required skills, experience and qualifications. Click here for CV writing tips.I am from overseas, am I eligible for employment?
Yes you could be eligible however you will need to meet the requirements of Immigration New Zealand and the New Zealand professional registration body that administers registration for clinical practice. For more information, please visit our Immigration & Registration page.Can I contact the manager directly?
Some advertisements provide you with the managers contact details, however if these are not supplied please “Apply Online” only.No vacancies suit me, though I want to give you my CV
You can submit your CV into our e-recruitment system that we can access at a later date. Click here for information on how to Submit Your CV. Please do not send your hardcopy CV to us, as we do not maintain a file for these.The system is telling me I am an existing user, but I have never applied for a job here
The system is utilised by other districts in New Zealand so you may have already registered via another website. To login, use the same user name and password. If you do not remember your user name and password, please see the instructions below.Alternatively, somebody may have already registered with the user name you are trying to use. Pick a different user name (you can use your email address as your user name).
I can’t remember my user name
On the login page, click on the Forgot your user name? link.Type in your email address, then click Validate. Your user name will then appear on the screen.
I can’t remember my password
On the login page, click on the Forgot your password? link.Type in your user name and email address. An email containing a new password to your email inbox. Retrieve the password and use it to log in. The system will then prompt you to change your password.