Radiology Services
We are able to offer a walk in service for chest x rays only. All other referrals will receive an appointment.
We would like to remind everyone that whilst support people are allowed to come into the hospital, only 1 support person is allowed in the ultrasound room.
Te Whatu Ora Taranaki Radiology services offer a full range of high tech imaging facilities and is committed to providing the highest standard of care to patients. General X-ray services are offered throughout Taranaki, with specialised imaging such as CT, MRI, ultrasound, nuclear medicine and interventional procedures carried out in New Plymouth.
Radiology also caters for a small amount of specialised ACC and insurance and private radiology imaging which is unable to be delivered by the local private radiology provider.
Radiology is a referral only service. A completed referral form needs to be written by a GP, specialist, midwife, physiotherapist or other approved health practitioner that is authorised to request radiology examinations. An examination cannot be performed without a referral form which provides important clinical information to justify the examination and to ensure that the most appropriate imaging is performed.
Generally there is no fee. However, ACC examinations performed do require a co-payment unless the patient is able to present a community services card.
Please ensure you report ten minutes prior to your appointment. Arrival time will be communicated to you when the booking is confirmed. It is important to be aware that if you arrive late for your examination, it is likely you will be rebooked. If you fail to show up for your appointment, the referral will be placed at the end of the waitlist. From time to time, Emergency cases may cause delays, but patients will be informed on arrival if this is the case, and given the opportunity to rebook.
All female patients of childbearing age (12 – 55 years) referred for an X-ray examination of an area between the lower chest and knees, will be asked by the radiographer if they might be pregnant before any examination is undertaken. If there is a chance you might be pregnant, please contact your referrer.
Your results are sent to your referrer within 3-5 working days. They will also be copied to your GP unless you tell us otherwise.
Taranaki Base Hospital
Level 2, Taranaki Base Hospital
David St, New Plymouth 4310
Private Bag 2016
New Plymouth 4342
General X-Ray
CT Scanning
Nuclear Medicine
Interventional procedures
7:30am – 5:00pm (ED not included)
Tel: 06 753 7873
Hawera Hospital
Hunter Street
Hawera 4800
General X-Ray
Weekdays: 8.30am - 12.00pm, 1.00pm - 5.00pm
Weekend: 11.00am - 3.00pm 24 hours on call
Tel: 06 278 9901
Stratford Health Centre
8 Romeo Street, Stratford 4332
General X-ray
Tues/Thurs: 10:00am - 2.00pm
Tel: 06 7657189 or 06 278 9901
Waitara Health Centre
Cnr McLean & Grey Street Waitara 4320
General X-ray
Tues, Wed, Thurs: 9:00am - 1.00pm
Tel: 06 754 4305
Last updated:
Monday, October 31, 2022