$224m boost for mental health
Hon Amy Adams
Minister Responsible for Social Investment
Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman
Minister of Health
25 May 2017
Budget 2017 will invest an extra $224 million over four years in mental health services including $124 million in new innovative approaches, Social Investment Minister Amy Adams and Health Minister Jonathan Coleman say.
“Mental health is a social investment priority for this Government. It’s one of our most complex social issues, and it is having big impacts across the employment, housing, health and justice sectors,” Ms Adams says.
“Mental health issues can lead to much poorer outcomes for these people and their families. It’s important to come up with innovative solutions which keep up with the evolving needs of New Zealanders.”
“In line with international trends here in New Zealand we’ve seen an increase in demand for mental health and addiction services in recent years,” Dr Coleman says.
“Cabinet will soon consider a new mental health and addiction strategy, which will include our new approach to dealing with mental health issues. This funding will support the implementation of the strategy and will provide greater flexibility to invest in new and innovative approaches.”
The Budget 2017 funding includes:
- $100 million for a new cross-government social investment fund that will target innovative new proposals to tackle mental health issues.
- $4.1 million for the Ministry of Social Development to trial integrated employment and mental health services.
- $11.6 million to help the Department of Corrections better manage and support prisoners at risk of self-harm.
- $8 million in Vote Maori Development to extend the Rangatahi Suicide Prevention Fund.
- $100 million for DHBs to support local mental health and addiction services as part of their total new budget spend through Vote Health. Individual DHBs are able to invest more if they feel it is required.
Through Vote Health mental health and addiction services funding has increased from $1.1 billion in 2008/09 to over $1.4 billion for 2015/16.
Media contacts: Julian Light 021 243 8528 (Ms Adams)
Angela Kenealy 021 220 0129 (Dr Coleman)
Last updated: Thursday, May 25, 2017