Better online support for youth mental health

Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman

Minister of Health

25 May 2015

The revamped Lowdown website launched today will provide young people with more accessible and responsive online mental health support, says Health Minister Jonathan Coleman. 

“It is estimated that one in six young people suffer from depression or anxiety. It is important young people have the right support at the earliest opportunity,” says Dr Coleman.

“The Lowdown website provides young people with the tools to be able to recognise when they are experiencing depression or anxiety, and it gives them the right information and support.

“The website needed a refresh as it was seven years old. The new website, which can now be accessed on a mobile phone, provides more self-help functions and includes videos from young people. There is also a forum for young people to share experiences and get advice and support.

“The website also has new content on anxiety and the target age group has been realigned to 12-19 year olds to complement other programmes such as the Prime Minister’s Youth Mental Health Project.”

The Lowdown is part of the National Depression Initiative. The Government’s Rising to the Challenge 2012 mental health plan included a refresh of the Initiative.

In addition to the National Depression Initiative, the Government has invested $64 million over four years in the Prime Minister's Youth Mental Health Project. The 26 initiatives bring social sector services together across the health sector, communities, and schools.

The Lowdown can be found at

Media contact: Kirsty Taylor-Doig 021 838 372


Last updated: Tuesday, May 26, 2015

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