Health targets deliver more operations

27 February 2013

Health Minister Tony Ryall congratulated health professionals for providing New Zealanders with over 78,000 elective operations and exceeding the government’s national health target.

“The latest results, released today, show district health boards performed almost 4,000 more elective operations than planned in the last six months. This is a great achievement and means more New Zealanders are receiving the surgery they need faster.”

“New Zealanders continue to receive better health care as a result of the national health targets. The targets are a balance of improving access and better prevention,” says Mr Ryall.

“I’d also like to acknowledge general practice teams and wider DHB teams in progressing better services for patients.”

National highlights for the quarter two 2012/13 health targets include:

  • Increase to 93 per cent of patients admitted, discharged or treated in emergency departments within six hours – an improvement compared to last quarter and the same time last year.
  • Nearly 4000 more elective operations were performed than planned with district health board once again exceeding the half year target.
  • All patients ready for radiotherapy and chemotherapy cancer treatment received it within the four week international gold standard.
  • Excellent progress is being made with the increased immunisation target – the national immunisation coverage rate for eight-month olds has increased by two per cent and the rates for Maori and Pacific people has increased by five and three per cent respectively.
  • The better help for smokers to quit hospital target has been achieved for the first time and good progress is being made by with the primary care target with a three per cent increase.
  • While further work is needed to achieve the more heart and diabetes check target, the three per cent increase equates to over 36,000 more people having their cardiovascular risk assessed.

“The government is committed to protecting and growing the public health service. We are seeing more high priority front line services being delivered as a result of the government’s $14.12 billion investment in health this financial year,” says Mr Ryall.

Ministry of Health media contact:

Jackie Maher
021 243 7803 or

Jannel Carter
027 589 8884

Hon Tony Ryall
Minister of Health

Last updated: Wednesday, February 27, 2013

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