Taranaki DHB helping with positive Auckland COVID-19 case who travelled to New Plymouth

18 October 2020

Taranaki DHB’s Public Health Unit (PHU) is supporting a national health response associated with a positive COVID-19 case identified in Auckland who spent time in New Plymouth last week.

The PHU is contacting close contacts of an Auckland man in his twenties who tested positive for COVID-19 after travelling to New Plymouth for work at Port Taranaki on 13 and 14 October. Whilst in New Plymouth the man stayed one night at the Devon Hotel on 13 October and checked into the Quest Hotel on 14 October, but chose to drive back to Auckland and didn’t stay the night. He is now in isolation at the Auckland quarantine facility.

The DHB is continuing to provide access to testing for border workers and pop-up testing will be available at Port Taranaki this week in addition to the weekly surveillance that has been taking place over the last few months.

At this stage priority testing is for people who are considered close contacts, port workers and anyone in New Plymouth who is showing symptoms.

These priority groups can access testing at the Base Hospital community testing centre which has extended their opening hours until 5.00pm today and Medicross Urgent Care & GP Clinic in the Richmond Centre until 3.45pm. Testing will also be available next week in New Plymouth, Waitara, Hawera and Opunake.

Dr Rob Weir, on-call medical officer of health, says the risk to the wider Taranaki community contracting COVID-19 is very low as the case had minimal interaction with others whilst in New Plymouth, but urges people not to wait if they have symptoms and need a test.

“Everyone in New Plymouth should remain vigilant for any symptoms of COVID-19, and get a test as soon as you can if you become unwell. Testing quickly means we can reduce the risk of the virus spreading and that puts us in a good position to put a circle around any outbreak.”

Dr Weir also urges people to use the NZ COVID Tracer App as part of our daily routines, continue with hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette. 

“We must be vigilant around good health hygiene practices and this includes the recommendation to use masks on public transport and flights. Remember, Alert Level one is not Alert Level none.”




Last updated: Friday, April 12, 2024

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