Fifth confirmed case of COVID-19 in Taranaki
26 March 2020
A fifth person with COVID-19 has been confirmed in Taranaki.
Taranaki’s Public Health Unit has confirmed a 23 year old female is the latest case to test positive for the virus following recent overseas travel.
For travel and flight details relating to this person please refer to the Ministry of Health’s (MoH) website
Taranaki DHB’s medical officer of health, Dr Jonathan Jarman says “The person is at home in strict isolation with mild symptoms. She had been well when she returned from overseas but had developed the symptoms of COVID-19 infection while in self-isolation.
“The PHU is going through the contact tracing process now to determine if anyone has been in close contact with this person. Our role is to provide monitoring, health care and support to this person, and to ensure anyone else at risk of exposure is tested.”
Dr Jarman says that all of the cases so far in Taranaki had been acquired overseas. There is still a probable case pending, but the PHU has not received any confirmed details at this stage.
As Taranaki follows the nation in moving to a COVID-19 alert level four, dedicated testing clinics have been established in Hawera and New Plymouth, as well as opportunities for testing in Waitara and Opunake.
Taranaki DHB’s Incident Management Team controller, Becky Jenkins says “The public will have to be referred to one of these clinics for COVID-19 testing either via Healthline, their GP or the Medical Officer of Health. Testing will not be performed on people who do not meet the case definition.
“Testing clinic opening hours and operational arrangements will be regularly reviewed based on numbers and demand.”
Public advice remains the same; if people are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms they need to call the dedicated COVID-19 Healthline number 0800 358 5453 or ring ahead to their GP who will refer via phone for testing or treatment if required.
Ms Jenkins says “We know people will be wanting the most accurate and up-to-date information on public health advice at this crucial time, so we encourage you to use the all-of-government response website for help and advice -
Last updated: Thursday, March 26, 2020