All District Health Boards

DHBs disappointed by RDA strike action

11 January 2019

District Health Boards are disappointed the Resident Doctors’ Association has decided to proceed with strike action on 15 and 16 January after mediation failed today.

DHB spokesman Dr Peter Bramley says DHBs have been trying to negotiate an agreement that enables clinicians and hospital managers to make decisions about work rosters for junior doctors that deliver better care and better training opportunities.

 “We concluded a Collective Agreement with Speciality Trainees of New Zealand (SToNZ) that provides for flexibility in rostering but haven’t reached an agreement with the RDA.”

In 2016, DHBs agreed with the RDA to trial a new roster system for junior doctors, to address our joint concerns about work hours. DHBs have implemented the roster in more than half of applicable rosters and have been unable to do so for the remainder.

Unfortunately, the roster doesn’t meet the training needs of a significant number of doctors and complicates safe patient care.

Senior doctors, junior doctors and medical colleges have all raised concerns about the current rostering approach which we are attempting to now change. To date, the RDA has not agreed to any changes to the current agreement on rostering.

“DHBs are committed to being good employers and will not subject junior doctors to disruptive or dangerous work conditions,” Dr Bramley says.

“Our offer will maintain safe working rosters and promote better continuity of care and enhance opportunities for doctors who are in training.  These changes are supported by senior doctors, Medical Colleges and many junior doctors.”

Dr Bramley said all DHBs will implement contingency plans to provide essentials services and acute care during the proposed strike period.

While there will be some disruption to planned services, DHBs will communicate directly with affected people to reschedule appointments, as needed.


Raphael Hilbron
M: 021 605 371



Last updated: Monday, January 14, 2019


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