DHBs receive second notice of strike action

28 June 2018

On Wednesday District Health Boards received notice of a second strike by New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) members.

DHB spokesperson Helen Mason says NZNO nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants are scheduled to strike for 24 hours from 07:00am next Thursday 5 July and have now confirmed they will strike for a second time a week later on Thursday 12 July.

“We have asked the Employment Relations Authority for facilitation to help settle these negotiations and will be meeting in Wellington with them and the NZNO on Thursday and Friday.

“DHBs will do everything they can to reach a settlement and avoid the strikes. We will not be making further comment or providing interviews until after the process is concluded.

“DHBs are already implementing contingency plans for the first strike and will now start to finalise plans for the second one.

“Our priority is ensuring we can keep everyone safe – patients and staff alike – and that means significant disruption to normal services.

“To reduce demand on services and patient numbers as much as possible before the strike, non-acute and elective procedures are being deferred leading up to, and after, 5 July. DHBs are contacting people affected to provide more information.

“Emergency and essential services will be available during the strike.”

Ms Mason says if the strike goes ahead, people should not delay seeking medical treatment and go to hospital if the matter is urgent. They should dial 111 for emergencies or an ambulance.

For all other matters people should do what they normally do and visit their GP or visit a local pharmacy, and free medical advice is available 24/7 through Healthline (0800 611 116).


Last updated: Thursday, June 28, 2018

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