New Taranaki DHB Chief Executive appointed

18 April 2016

Pauline Lockett, Taranaki DHB Chair (left) and Rosemary Clements, Chief Executive

Chair of the Taranaki District Health Board, Pauline Lockett announced today the appointment of Rosemary Clements to the role of Chief Executive.

"On behalf of the members of the Taranaki District Health Board, I am delighted to announce the appointment of Rosemary Clements to the role of Chief Executive.”

“Rosemary brings to the role significant clinical and managerial health sector experience and while we received a high calibre of applicants, the Board was unanimous in its decision to appoint Rosemary.

Mrs Lockett added, “The Board is confident Rosemary has the right mix of knowledge, skills and expertise to lead our organisation in long term sustainable change for the future success of Taranaki healthcare.”

Mrs Clements appointment follows a consultative recruitment process that involved both staff and key community stakeholders providing feedback about their views on the skills, experience and attitudes they thought were important in the appointee.

The attributes included; a skilled leader that has a mix of business and health experience and who has the courage to make significant changes and take the whole DHB team with them. An excellent communicator, who is visible internally and able to engage the community. Compassion is also important as well as being innovative and able to deliver a strong vision to address the health inequalities and other challenges the health sector faces.

Mrs Lockett said, “The Board is very appreciative of all the feedback we received and took this into careful consideration when making the final decision on this important appointment.”

The newly appointed Taranaki DHB Chief Executive, Rosemary Clements said, “It is an honour to be appointed Chief Executive and to lead Taranaki DHB and its staff who are very skilled, loyal and supportive and have the interests of people’s health and wellbeing at heart.”

“I think it’s a really exciting time for health, added Mrs Clements. “I don’t deny we have our challenges but we are also poised to head in a new direction, set by the refresh of our National Health Strategy.”

“Taranaki DHB has always been a well regarded organisation, with tremendous community support both for Project Maunga and the Angiography project and I’m looking forward to working closely and collaboratively with both staff and our community in the future,” she said.

Rosemary Clements who was in the Acting CE role for the past 12 months will take up the role of CE today, Monday 18 April, 2016.


For more information please call
Cressida Gates-Thompson, Communications Manager, 027  703 6177




Last updated: Monday, April 18, 2016

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