Taranaki DHB begins recruitment for new CEO

03 March 2016

The Taranaki District Health Board will commence recruitment for a new CEO this week, following the resignation of Tony Foulkes in February.

Pauline Lockett, Taranaki District Health Board Chairperson said, “The Board met last Thursday and agreed a strategy for recruitment which included employing Craig O’Connell from RAP Consulting to lead the process.”

“We want to make sure this is an inclusive process and we will be consulting with a number of key internal and external stakeholders to assist us with the consideration and shortlisting of the applicants," said Mrs Lockett.

The Board will be seeking input on the candidates who will be shortlisted from such stakeholders and groups as, Senior Clinical professional groups (SMOs, Nursing and Allied Health), PHO and Te Whare Punanga Korero Trust, Taranaki DHB’s Executive management team, Unions, various representatives from the Ministry of Health and the Midland Regional group, Chief Executives and Mayors of local Regional and District Councils.

“As this process is still being refined, other people and groups may also be included in the consultation process. However, the final decision on the appointment of a new CEO will rest with the Board and we will continue to update everyone as the Board moves through the process,” added Mrs Lockett.

The position will be advertised in a number of ways including (and not limited to), newspapers, general recruiting websites, specialised health sector websites (local and international if appropriate), and social media particularly LinkedIn and other specialised health sector sites to help identify and attract potential candidates.

Mrs Lockett said, “Taranaki DHB is the largest organisation and employer in Taranaki that is dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of our community and we envisage that applicants of the highest calibre will be attracted to apply.”

It is anticipated that a final decision regarding the successful candidate will be made by late April 2016.


For more information please call:
Cressida Gates-Thompson, Communications & Media Manager, 027 703 6177

Last updated: Thursday, March 3, 2016

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