WERO Challenge brings added incentive to quit smoking

31 December 2015

Taranaki DHB, in partnership with Tui Ora and Ngati Ruanui, are encouraging those in Taranaki who smoke to take up the 12-week WERO Challenge and quit smoking for good this new year. Those who choose to take part will be eligible to win up to $3,500.

Jason Matthews, Taranaki DHB Health Promotor said, “Taranaki DHB is committed to protecting the health and wellbeing of all patients, visitors and employees, and this quit smoking challenge is one way in which we aim to support our community in making positive choices regarding their health.”

This aligns with the government’s goal of a smokefree New Zealand by 2025. Smoking and tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable illness and death in New Zealand, accounting for an estimated 5000 deaths every year. In addition to this, more than 350 New Zealanders die each year due to of exposure to second-hand smoke.

“The WERO Challenge is a fun quit smoking competition based on the idea that people who quit smoking together in a supportive team environment will have greater long term success than individuals doing it alone,” said Mr Matthews.

“Teams consist of five people who have made the choice to quit smoking. The team with the most people who have remained smokefree at the end of the challenge will win $3000 for the registered charity or community group of their choice,” he added.

An additional $500 worth of cash prizes is also up for grabs in a draw consisting of the individuals who remain smokefree at the four and eight-week marks.

Teams will be supported throughout the challenge by a Quit Coach and smoking cessation resources. Their efforts to remain smokefree will be validated using a carbon dioxide sensor (smokelyser) on a weekly basis.

“This is the first time a WERO Challenge has been run regionally; this means there is a greater chance for those who take part to win the major prizes. We hope that those in the Taranaki community who smoke will take the opportunity to improve their health in the new year and raise money for a worthy cause of their choice,” said Mr Matthews.

To register yourself or your team, or for more information about the WERO Challenge and other smoking cessation services, contact Tui Ora (North Taranaki) 06 759 4064 or Ngati Ruanui (South Taranaki) on 06 278 1310. Registrations for the WERO challenge close on January 9th 2016.

For more information please call:
Greer Lean, Communications Advisor, 027 801 9084


Last updated: Tuesday, January 5, 2016

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