Taranaki DHB and Hospice Taranaki encourage conversations that count

16 April 2015

Taranaki DHB and Hospice Taranaki are teaming up to help promote Conversations that Count Day on Thursday 16 April. Part of the day is about encouraging people to start conversations about planning for their future and end-of-life care. This is called Advance Care Planning.

Jane Gubb, Taranaki DHB Clinical Nurse Manager said, “Thinking and talking about the future and end of life care isn’t easy, but it’s important. Advance Care Planning involves you, your whanau and health care professionals. The process gives you the opportunity to develop and express your preferences for end of life care based on what matters to you - your personal goals, views, values and beliefs - as well as a better understanding of your current and likely future health and the treatment and care options available.”

“Advanced Care Planning is voluntary and is for anyone. You get to choose whether you want to talk about it and, if you are ready to talk, what you want to talk about. These conversations should also provide you with any information you might need to be able to understand what the future might be, so you can plan for that.”

“Most people (85%) die after chronic illness not a sudden event, but the best time to start thinking and talking about Advance Care Planning is before you get seriously ill. Up to half of us are not in a position to make our own decisions when we are near death.”

“Taking the time to have conversations about the future can be a gift to our loved ones – the gift of knowing what we want. Our families have a significant chance of not knowing our views if we don’t tell them - having the conversation(s) is key, documenting it is a choice.”

On Conversations that Count Day, Thursday 16 April, senior medical and other Taranaki DHB staff will be manning an information stand near the Base Hospital main entrance. They will be speaking to patients, visitors and staff about Advance Care Planning and answering any questions they may have. Hospice Taranaki will be running a stand in Centre City on the day, speaking to the public about Advance Care Planning.

For more information please call –
Cressida Gates, Media Advisor, Ph 027 703 6177


Last updated: Thursday, April 16, 2015

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