Quit now – it’s about whanau

27 May 2014

‘Quit now – it’s about whānau’ is the message for this year’s World Smokefree Day (31 May), and it starts in Taranaki homes and communities. 
Taranaki DHB Acting General Manager Planning, Funding and Population Health, Becky Jenkins said, “World Smokefree Day is a perfect opportunity to work together as a community, encouraging and supporting more people to quit and create a future in which children and future generations will enjoy tobacco-free lives.”
To learn more about support to quit smoking contact your GP, our local stop smoking service Aukati KaiPaipa at www.aukatikaipaipa.co.nz, or phone Quitline on 0800 778 778 or www.quit.org.nz . For smokefree pregnancy support contact your midwife or the Mana Wahine Hapu Service at www.tuiora.co.nz

What’s happening in Taranaki?

The Taranaki Smokefree Coalition is hosting an event in Hawera to help support people about becoming smokefree/auahi kore. This year the coalition is emphasising the importance of smokefree/auahi kore vehicles and the impact smoking in cars can have on our whanau.

Taranaki DHB Public Health Promoter Jill Nicholls says parents, whānau and caregivers can make positive changes to the environment children are growing up in, even if they smoke.

“Talking to their children about smoking, establishing smokefree rules like not smoking around children, keeping the house and car smokefree is a step in the right direction to protecting their children,” said Jill.

Join the Taranaki Smokefree Coalition on Tuesday 27th May at Pak n Save, Hawera between 10am and 1.30pm for our local event celebrating World Smokefree Day.

Talk to a quit coach, get your blood pressure checked, and grab lots of giveaways!

Smokefree/Auahi Kore stickers for the car have been developed to remind drivers and passengers in the car that it’s a Smokefree/Auahi Kore space. Come and get one for your car!

The Taranaki Smokefree Coalition is a partnership between Taranaki DHB, Tui Ora, Midlands Health Network, Cancer Society, Heart Foundation, Ngati Ruanui, and WITT.

For further information please call

Sue Carrington
Media Adviser
Ph 021 367 789


Last updated: Tuesday, May 27, 2014

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