Lazy boy donation shows thanks to ward staff

14 May 2014

Ward 4 Nurse Manager Janet Gibson with Kevin Armstrong as he tests out his donation of an electric lazy boy to the ward.

After the passing of his wife Chris, Kevin Armstrong and his family wanted to say thanks to Taranaki Base Hospital staff by donating a special electric lazy boy for the ward.  

Chris spent a long time in Ward 4A and while there found it quite difficult to be in bed for long periods of time, so the need for a lazy boy was high. With only a small number of lazy boys available on the wards, sometimes this wasn’t always an option.

Kevin has kindly purchased a special electric lazy boy from Cleggs Furniture, red to match the Ward 4 décor, which makes it easier for patients to get in and out of when using it. The recliner tilts forward with the push of a button to allow a safer entry into and exit from the chair. The chair reclines electronically via the remote as well.

 “We really appreciated the dignity and respect that was shown to Chris while in hospital by the staff and wanted to say thanks,” said Kevin. 

The chair is in memory of Chris and a plaque down the side of the chair leg reads:
“In loving memory of Chris (Christine) Armstrong 29/04/1954 – 10/11/2013
As a token of our thanks to all the staff in Ward 4 for the kindness, dignity, care and comfort afforded to Chris, we the Armstrong Family, donate this chair for others to use.”

Ward Nurse Manager Janet Gibson said many other patients and family members will benefit from this very generous donation.


Last updated: Wednesday, May 14, 2014

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