Consumers at the centre of Care for Taranaki DHB

From left to right: Theo Baker, Tony Foulkes and Rosemary Clements with the patient and family/whanau - centred care framework

12 March 2014

Deputy Health and Disability Commissioner Theo Baker will be visiting Taranaki DHB tomorrow to present ‘Consumers at the Centre of Care’ to doctors and staff.

At the same time the patient and family / whanau-centred care framework at Taranaki DHB is being launched by the clinical board.

Taranaki DHB Clinical Board deputy chair Rosemary Clements said in 2012 the Clinical Board agreed to lead the development of the patient and family-centred care framework for hospital and specialist services and in due course for all of DHB.

One of our aims is: “To have services that are people-centred and accessible where the health sector works as one”.

“In supporting this work the Clinical Board acknowledges the importance of clinical leadership and the contribution of a patient and family/whanau -centred care framework to clinical quality and safety. Two consumers have been included in the planning of this framework,” said Mrs Clements.

‘Some of us went to Health Quality Safety Commission workshop and we were all challenged to reflect on how and by whom our health services planned, reviewed and organised. In the past patients/consumers have been expected to “fit” into the health system and we “do” to them rather than patients/consumers working with us,”

“We know that there are many good examples of patient/whanau/clinicians partnerships already occurring on a daily basis,” she said. “We are now striving for this to be a recognised practise.”
Patients and Family-Centred Care is working with patients/consumers and families, rather than just doing to or for them. In this model, healthcare is patient/consumer and family-centred, involving them both as integral members of the care team.

“We want patients to be involved in their care and to ask questions, we want patients to feel informed and be given options and we want consumers involved in service improvements.

“We know we won’t get it right every time but we are looking to establish a consumer group who will be involved in many service improvements,” said Mrs Clements
“Quality health care is two way, we as service providers have to listen and patients and families need to be involved in their own wellness.”.

Four concepts of patient and family – centred care

  • People are treated with respect and dignity
  • Health care providers communicate and share complete and unbiased information with patients/consumers and families in ways that are affirming and useful
  • Patients/consumers and families are encouraged and supported in participating in care and decision-making at the level they choose
  • Collaboration among patients/consumers, families and providers occurs in policy and programme development and professional education, as well as delivery of care


For further information please call

Sue Carrington
Media Adviser
Ph 021 367 789

Last updated: Thursday, March 13, 2014

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