Maternity wards open as gastroenteritis is managed

25 September 2013

All maternity wards are now open after gastroenteritis suffered by staff and patients meant limited visiting and movement for mothers and their family was instigated.

Last week Clinical Services manager Leigh Cleland asked families to limit non essential visiting.  Mothers and families were asked to be vigilant with hand washing, and staff worked hard to limit contact of those affected.

“I would like to thank all our staff, patients and their families for their understanding at this difficult time,” she said.

Nine staff and four patients suffered diarrhoea and vomiting which meant measures were put in place to ensure this did not spread.

“Some patients were disrupted over the week and we are very grateful to them and to everyone who assisted us in limiting the spread of what can be a very contagious disease.”

“We were fortunate in successfully keeping it from spreading to the neo natal unit where this could have most debilitating,’ said Ms Cleland.

The ward is now open but we do ask that anyone who has suffered vomiting or diarrhoea does not visit the hospital for at least 48 hours after symptoms have disappeared.


For more information please call

Sue Carrington
Media Adviser
Ph 021 367 789

Last updated: Tuesday, September 24, 2013

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