Taranaki Aged Care Innovation Features in Ministry of Health Showcase

24 September 2013

Taranaki District Health Board’s partnership with the aged care sector in helping older people to return home after a serious fall or injury is just one of a number of innovative approaches to aged care that has been captured in a series of stories and videos produced by the Ministry of Health.

The stories and videos have been collected to share some of the current initiatives that are working to improve the quality of care for our ageing population and strengthening the nursing workforce.

Associate Health Minister, Hon Jo Goodhew says ‘New Zealand’s ageing population is growing and this increase in numbers has already had a significant impact on the health sector.  As a result the aged care sector, including District Health Boards, has needed to look at how it can continue to maintain a high standard of care and retain a well-trained professional workforce.’ 

The Ministry of Health’s chief nurse Jane O’Malley says, ‘there is some fantastic work being done around the country to better support nurses in their care of our older people.’

Five regions - Counties Manukau, Taranaki, Waitemata, Canterbury and Capital Coast – took part in the Ministry of Health project, with input from District Health Boards and the wider aged care sector. The case studies feature a wide range of different projects and collaborative relationships.

‘Older people often have multiple health issues and require complex clinical management,’ Dr O’Malley says. ‘It is essential that nurses are well trained, well supported and well recognised for their vital role in caring for our ageing population.’

The initiatives that feature on the Ministry of Health website include the development of care guides, a support hotline for aged residential care staff, education programmes and new ways of upskilling clinical staff.

‘All five DHBS that feature in the case studies have looked at important aged care issues in their regions and collaborated with others on ways of improving the way they work,’ Dr O’Malley says. ‘The passion and dedication of nurses working in aged care shines through each of the stories.’

“We would like to thank all the nursing teams and, particularly the residents and their families, who took part in this project,” Dr O’Malley says.

To read the case studies and see the videos visit http://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/nursing/showcasing-aged-care-nursing. A booklet has also been produced with the highlights of the project. It is available in a small number of hard copies and on the website.


For more information please call

Sue Carrington
Media Adviser
Ph 021 367 789

Last updated: Tuesday, September 24, 2013

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