Green feet leading the way to healthy eating

1 August 2013

This month Opunake 4 Square 45 and the Taranaki District Health Board, are once again urging customers to follow the green feet towards healthier options.

After an initial successful campaign launch in February, the project is back and this time it’s encouraging children to get involved in the kitchen.

Green feet stickers are placed within the store alongside healthy recipes. Taranaki DHB Health Promoters and Dietitians will be teaching school students the importance of label reading, the different food groups, knowing your way around the supermarket and easy recipes they can cook at home.

The project evaluated well in the last phase and was especially popular with children. Health Promoter Hinenui Bryant says, “It’s important to involve children in the grocery shopping and preparing healthy food. It’s a skill they can take with them later on in life”. Store owner Marlese Butland agrees, “Kids love being in the kitchen and upskilling them can hopefully give parents a hand.”

Nanci-Lee Katene, Principal at Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Tamarongo, which is a Health Promoting School, have been running regular healthy cooking classes with Taranaki DHB Health Promoters and says children are finding it easier around the kitchen. “The children are experimenting with different foods and especially vegetables which is exciting. It has also shown them that they can help out in the kitchen and prepare healthy meals,” she said.

The project will be launching on Friday, 2 August at 12.30pm. Taranaki DHB Health Promoters will be cooking the vegetable soup featured in the ‘Green Feet’ recipes and this will be available for the public to taste test for free. The ‘Green Feet’ project is currently working with students from Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Tamarongo and will be working with Opunake Primary School in the November phase of the programme.

For more information please call
Gemma Gibson
Communications Advisor
Ph 753 7777 ext 8486


Last updated: Thursday, August 1, 2013

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