Food and groceries weigh in against tobacco on World Smokefree Day

28 May 2013

Quitting smoking saves you money and for so many Taranaki families, staying ahead of the bills and keeping food on the table is a real challenge. For those one in five New Zealanders that smoke the pressure can be even greater.

“For an average 10-a-day smoker, you’re looking at over $50 a week, $250 a month or $3000 a year going on smoking,” Miss Twaddle explains.

“That’s a kilo of mince, or a block of cheese and two litres of milk, each day – an extra tank of gas each week, your monthly phone and power bills combined or a trip to Australia and back for a family of four each year,” Miss Twaddle adds.

May 31 is World Smokefree Day and Taranaki District Health Board is encouraging smokers to make the most of the occasion and quit for good.

For those who decide the time is right to quit, there’s more help available than ever. Events are being held at Brougham Streets shared space in New Plymouth and Countdown Hawera from 11.30am- 1.30pm on Friday 31st May. Aukati KaiPaipa will be available at both events to provide quit support and take referrals. There will also be free soup, and health checks.

Additionally, services like Quitline now provide support over the phone, online and by text and there is an increasing range of medical products and nicotine therapies available, from as little as $5 per product for an 8-week supply.

“It’s the perfect time to quit and World Smokefree Day is the perfect opportunity. Trade in the smokes for a full tank of gas – literally and figuratively. Or pick up another loaf of bread, some milk and some cheese instead of that cigarette packet,” Miss Twaddle urges.

“It’s about freedom. It’s about whānau and being there for those you love. Take up the challenge and take a step towards a smokefree Aotearoa and quit smoking on 31 May, World Smokefree Day.”

For help and support to quit smoking, contact your local health provider, Aukati KaiPaipa service or Quitline (0800 778 778 or

For more information please call
Sue Carrington
Media Adviser
Ph 021 367 789

Last updated: Tuesday, May 28, 2013

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