World Breastfeeding Week 2012

31 July 2012

The theme for World Breastfeeding Week 2012 is "Understanding the past - Planning for the future" and celebrates 20 years since the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) launched its first World Breastfeeding Week (WBW).

This year the Taranaki District Health Board are holding an event that recognises the importance of traditional practices in modern times. Taranaki DHB Health Promoter Hinenui Knock says, “A lot of the things our ancestors practiced such as baby wearing, wahakura and exclusively breastfeeding are now being embraced by many parents”.

“For Maori parents especially, incorporating these practices into their every day life is part of reclaiming their culture,” said Miss Knock.

The ‘Understanding the Past, Planning for the Future’ event will take place on Monday 6th of August 2012 with Powhiri beginning at 9.30am at Te Paepae O Te Raukura Marae, Parihaka Pa.

The event is open to the public and will include presentations from Parihaka pa mother, Charissa Waerea and Masters in Public Health student, Marnie Reinfelds. These presentations will discuss breastfeeding within Maori culture and the importance of the wider whanau.

Marnie Reinfelds says, "Simply put, we need to increase our breastfeeding rates among Maori. When we look at breastfeeding and Maori women we must look at it within the context of whanau, as whanau are key to supporting the breastfeeding relationship between our mama and pepi".

Ngahina Hohaia will also be running weaving/raranga workshops and Pounamu Skelton will be doing mirimiri/massage. A DVD resource on shaken baby prevention will also be available to attendees which covers strategies on how to cope with a crying baby.

“We hope that all members of the public; fathers, mothers, grandparents and children come and participate in the day,” said Miss Knock. “This isn’t just about mums and babies, the whole whanau play their part in supporting mother and child, especially when it comes to breastfeeding”.

Those interested in attending please RSVP to

For further information on World Breastfeeding Week you can visit:

For any queries please contact:
Gemma Gibson
Taranaki DHB
Communications Advisor
Ph. 06 753 7777 Ext 8486 or 027 334 8522 (A/H)

The Big Latch On is also happening this Friday at Muffin Break in Centre City from 10am.

Contact the Le Leche League for more information:

You can also find more information on Breastfeeding on our website here:

Download the Breastfeeding Week Poster here

Last updated: Wednesday, January 28, 2015

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