Inglewood community fights the flu early

19 March 2012

A cup of tea and a get together in Inglewood is the key to keeping the flu bugs away this year.

The Inglewood Medical Centre is running a community flu clinic on Tuesday, 20 March, 9.00am to 4.30pm, at the Mamaku Centre in Inglewood.

This will be the sixth year that Dr Jones and Dr Finnegan from Inglewood Medical Centre have organised this combined one-day clinic for their patients as part of their influenza vaccination campaign.

Practice Nurse, Rachael Thony has been involved in all previous flu clinics and will be there again this year. “It’s best to immunise early before people start getting sick and it’s a great way to immunise a large number of people” said Mrs Thony.

In their 2011 clinic they immunised approximately 600 people in the one day.

The team at Inglewood Medical Centre say it is a very effective system that works well for their practice. “Inglewood is a very close knit community and people enjoy the social side of the day, often staying well beyond their 20 minute timeslot to chat to friends,” said Practice Nurse Hayley Growcott.

Influenza immunisation is available from all GP practices in Taranaki and is free to those who are eligible.

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For more information please call
Sue Carrington
Media Advisor
Ph 021 367 789

Last updated: Tuesday, March 20, 2012

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