International Midwives Day - May 5th 2011

28 April 2011

"Midwives walking for the women of the world!".

In celebration of the role of midwives in the world, 5 km walks in cities and towns across all countries will be held on International midwives day.

Taranaki Branch of the New Zealand College of Midwives will be walking from Nobbs line to the Port end of the walkway on May 5th 2011.

Midwife Belinda Chapman said the walks will merge as a global event where midwives around the world will be advocating to improve maternal and newborn health in our communities and countries, as well as for women far away.

This year the International Confederation of Midwives Congress is to be held in Durban. The road to Durban starts at each midwife’s front door and on that road are the women in our communities and countries as well as the women of Africa.

“In Taranaki, around 50 midwives in both the hospital and community support mothers and families every year. There are around 1550 births in the region, 1300 in Taranaki Base Hospital, 100 in Hawera, 100 in Stratford and around 50 homebirths each year ," said Mrs Chapman.

If you are interested and would like to join our midwives the walk starts at 10.30am and for those that are interested in staying on for a celebratory lunch at Gusto restaurant.

A gold coin donation will be collected on the walk which will be allocated to ICM safe motherhood projects.

If you are interested in joining us please contact Belinda Chapman for further details: 0275836668.

For more information please call

Sue Carrington
Media Adviser
Ph. 021 367 789

Last updated: Friday, April 29, 2011

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