Electronic Medication Management project in Taranaki DHB

20 April 2011

Taranaki  DHB is piloting an innovative Medicines Reconciliation Project, which is set to reduce medication errors, improve efficiencies and provide safer care for patients.

The reconciliation programme supported by technology will provide a more reliable link between the medication patients are taking when they come into hospital, what they take during their stay and what they leave hospital with.

Taranaki DHB Chief Executive Tony Foulkes said the project is exciting not only for Taranaki
patients but for patients from the Midland region and ultimately for the whole country as it is rolled out.

“It is important the we invest in improved technology and processes that can help clinicians minimise any risk for patients,” he said.

“It is a great demonstration of clinicians from Taranaki and other areas working together with health IT experts to improve patient safety.”

Taranaki DHB Chief Medical Adviser Dr John Doran said safer medication management was an issue all doctors were keen on advancing. “This will allow health professionals to work together more easily for their patients. The technology will be a significant step forward for delivering an improved quality of care.

This is a national pilot undertaken in conjunction with the Health Quality and Safety Commission and the National Health IT Board.  Counties Manukau, Waitemata and Otago DHB have also been doing work which Taranaki will be building on as a good example of collaboration across the sector.

For more information please call

Sue Carrington
Media Adviser
Ph 021 367 789

Last updated: Tuesday, March 29, 2011

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