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Outstanding immunisation rates for Taranaki DHB

29 November 2010

New Plymouth MP Jonathan Young today presented a certificate congratulating the Taranaki DHB on its outstanding performance on the Immunisation Health Target ( 85% of two year olds to be immunised by 2010).

The DHBs who achieved the 2010 national Health Target for immunisation ( 85% of all two year olds by 2010 - 90% by 2011, 95% by 2012) get the "Outstanding Achievement" certificate signed by the Minister of Health Tony Ryall.

Mr Young said “Immunisation works to ensure that many serious diseases that can seriously harm our children may be avoided.  It is one of the most effective means of protecting people against such diseases. It is preventative care that has long term benefits for both our children and the country as a whole.”
“Congratulations to our health professionals who have worked hard to bring protection to our children” said Mr Young. 

Taranaki DHB Chief Executive Tony Foulkes said he was delighted with the recognition for Taranaki. 

“Achieving this result and all our immunisation programmes is mainly down to the hard work of all the GPs and practice nurses around Taranaki, along with providers of outreach services such as Piki Te Ora and Ruanui health services. It’d good news for our children and so a big thanks goes to all involved.” he said.

Health Minister Tony Ryall says, "The number of Kiwi children fully immunised by their second birthday has risen from 73 percent in 2007 to 87 percent in 2010."

"The records are showing that Maori children now have a level of immunisation 10 percent higher than European children recorded only three years ago, and the immunisation rate among Pacific children is higher than the national average."

"New Zealand's immunisation rates for children have been low for a long time, so it is pleasing to see such progress in this prevention programme."

To view the Taranaki Health Targets click here

For more information please call

Sue Carrington
Taranaki DHB Media Adviser
Ph 021 367 789

Last updated: Tuesday, February 23, 2010

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