Media Release
07 November 2008
The lockdown on Ward 4 at Taranaki Base Hospital has been lifted, said Hospital Operations Manager, Steve Berendsen.
“Laboratory results on patients affected by gastroenteritis have come back negative for Norovirus, so although infection control procedures are still in place, the ward is now open,” said Mr Berendsen.
The ward was closed on Tuesday this week after 6 patients were stricken with gastroenteritis.
“Staff have been working very hard to contain the illness and no new cases have been reported since Tuesday, “ said Mr Berendsen.
“We would like to thank our staff, patients and their families for their cooperation and understanding during this time.”
One surgical case was postponed because of the outbreak but disruption to surgery has been kept to a minimum.
Medical Officer of Health Dr Penny Hutchinson said it was important that the general public was vigilant with hand hygiene. “Gastroenteritis is very much in the community at the moment and it is important for this to be contained,” said Dr Hutchinson.
“If anyone has symptoms of vomiting or diarrhoea it is best to stay home, and practice stringent infection control methods. Good hand washing technique is 20 seconds under running water with soap and then 20 seconds drying with a clean towel. It is especially important that anyone with symptoms stays away from hospitals and resthomes until at least 48 hours after symptoms have ceased.”
Any questions please call 06 753 6139 and ask a Health Protection Officer for more information.
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