Taranaki moves to Alert Level 2

15 February 2021

In response to recent COVID-19 cases identified in the community, Auckland will move to Alert Level 3 for three days from 11.59 pm 14 February until midnight Wednesday 17 February. The rest of New Zealand, including Taranaki, will move to Level 2 for the same period. This will be reviewed on a 24 hour basis.

Locations of interest in Taranaki

There are several locations of interest in Taranaki where the two COVID-19 cases visited. These are being updated on the Ministry of Health website as new information becomes available.

Alert Level 2

At Alert Level 2 the disease is contained, but there is a risk of community transmission.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has warned that we need to go hard and early and avoid the possibility of having longer periods of restrictions.

At Alert Level 2:

  • You can leave home, but you should follow public health measures
  • You can travel to other regions that are at Alert Level 2
  • Practice physical distancing – 2 metres in public (supermarkets, retail shops, and 1 metre in most other places like workplaces, cafes, restaurants and gyms.
  • Wear a face covering on public transport and aircraft
  • Businesses can open, but they must follow public health rules
  • No more than 100 people at social gatherings, including weddings, birthdays, funerals and tangihanga.


Testing in Taranaki

Testing centres throughout Taranaki are likely to experience a higher volume of people needing a test following the news of the two COVID-19 cases visiting the region over Waitangi weekend.

People with symptoms or who have been in the locations of interest at potential exposure times are asked to isolate straight away, call Healthline for a testing appointment and get tested to be sure.

Please don't rush to be tested if you are well and have not been in any of the locations of interest. We need to focus on priority testing for those who need it.

Help keep yourself, your whānau and community safe from COVID-19

Everyone in Taranaki can do their bit to keep our community safe from COVID-19 by remaining vigilant. Please remember to:

  • stay home if sick with cold or flu-like symptoms and get advice on a test,
  • wash and dry hands,
  • cough and sneeze into elbows, and
  • scan everywhere you go.


Last updated: Friday, April 12, 2024

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