Significant progress on healthy kids target

Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman

Minister of Health

24 May 2017

Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says the latest health target results show increased performance around the country, particularly on the raising healthy kids target.

“The six national health targets help to drive improvement in performance across the health system,” says Dr Coleman.

“This was reinforced by recent New Zealand research that found that the ED target is having a significant impact, with around 700 fewer deaths than predicted in 2012 if pre-target trends continue.

“The latest quarterly health target results for January to March 2017 show DHBs continue to perform well, but there’s always more to do.

“Nationally, DHBs lifted their performance to almost 86 per cent of identified obese children being referred to a professional for clinical assessment and family based nutrition.

“The target is a key part of the Government’s Childhood Obesity Plan. We want to ensure that through the B4 School Check, kids and their families are put in touch with primary healthcare professionals who can check for any clinical risk associated with obesity, and encourage families to take action.

“Results are expected to improve each quarter as referral processes are fully implemented.

“Nationally the improved access to elective surgery target of 100 per cent was again achieved, surpassed by four per cent.

“The six national targets provide a focus for action and are reviewed annually to ensure they align with health priorities. Three of the health targets focus on patient access, and three focus on prevention.

“I’d like to acknowledge all the health professionals at the DHBs and PHOs for their continued hard work to improve key health services for New Zealanders.”

Overall an extra $568 million has been invested into the health sector this year taking the health budget to a record $16.1 billion in 2016/17.

The health target results for Quarter Three 2016/17 (January-March) show:

  • Patients admitted, discharged or transferred from the ED within six hours stayed at 94 per cent under the shorter stays in ED target.
  • Results for the faster cancer treatment target held steady at 82 per cent.
  • Better help for smokers to quit was offered to 86 per cent of PHO enrolled patients.

The results for Quarter Three 2016/17 can be found at:


Media contact: Shannon Stewart 027 426 6662

Last updated: Wednesday, May 24, 2017

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