Taranaki has two confirmed cases of COVID-19

19 March 2020

The Director-General of Health, Dr Ashley Bloomfield, announced at 1.00pm today the first two people in Taranaki with confirmed novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Taranaki’s Public Health Unit confirms a male and female both in their 40s, who have recent independent travel histories to Egypt, have tested positive for COVID-19. (Notes: They are not a couple. Neither attended the WOMAD festival.)

Taranaki DHB’s medical officer of health, Dr Jonathan Jarman says “Due to the new border controls put in place on the weekend, and subsequent increased COVID-19 testing, the likelihood of a case has increased.

“Taranaki DHB, along with the wider health sector and government agencies, have planned for this and have systems in place to manage cases, prevent spread and protect the health of our local community.

“Both people are receiving appropriate health care and support at home in self isolation. We’re tracing those who’ve had contact with them and who may be at risk of exposure. We are putting a range of measures in place for those who may have had close contact, including: self-isolation for 14 days, close monitoring by public health staff, testing if anyone has symptoms, and providing health care, plus other support as needed.

“To minimise the spread of this new virus our advice remains the same: cover coughs and sneezes, wash and dry your hands thoroughly especially after coughing or sneezing, and stay at home if you are sick.

“If you are experiencing symptoms you should first and foremost contact the dedicated healthline number - 0800 358 5453. They will direct you for testing or treatment if necessary,” says Dr Jarman.

Information to ensure local residents are well informed about this new virus and are supported are available on the Taranaki DHB website www.tdhb.org.nz or the Ministry of Health website www.health.govt.nz

There is a new All-of-Government response website with everything you need to know about COVID-19 in one place. The aim of this site is to give the public simple steps to unite against the virus and slow its spread. It also provides information on where to get help and all the latest updates - https://covid19.govt.nz/


Last updated: Thursday, March 19, 2020

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