Sick children in Taranaki to benefit from Countdown Kids Hospital Appeal

14 August 2019

The 2019 Countdown Kids Hospital Appeal is officially underway, with the aim of raising more than $1 million to help make a significant difference to thousands of sick Kiwi kids and their families.

This years Appeal runs from 5 August to 27 October and the focus in Taranaki will be raising funds towards life saving equipment for Taranaki DHB’s Child and Maternity Services.

DHB chief operating officer Gill Campbell is grateful for the opportunity to work alongside Countdown and the countdown staff once again this year.

“Our DHB massively appreciates the work that goes into making this appeal a success. With new equipment and technology for our Child and Maternity services we can help Taranaki families stay in the region for treatment rather than having to be transferred to another hospital,” she says.

Last year’s appeal raised $52,000 for Taranaki allowing for new monitors at both Base and Hawera Hospital, a portable hoist to help children with high needs and new artwork planned for the TSB Children and Young People’s Ward 2B.

To officially launch this year’s appeal Countdown staff from Spotswood, The Valley, Central, Vogeltown, Stratford and Hawera supermarkets celebrated alongside the Taranaki Health Foundation and DHB management with an afternoon tea and tour of the Neonatal Unit.

Countdown Group Manager Taranaki, Shaun Wall, says his team is excited to start fundraising for such a good cause.

“Taranaki DHB does an amazing job of looking after children in our region and we hope our appeal can help to improve children’s health experiences.

“Over the past decade the Countdown Kids Appeal has raised $12.8 million nationwide and our customers play a vital role. We hope the Taranaki community will get behind this year’s appeal so we can achieve our target of six new medical items for local children,” says Mr Wall.

This year’s medical equipment wish list includes:

  • Drager Babylog ventilator for the Neonatal Unit
  • A hand held Accuvein monitor with infrared lights to find veins in children
  • A mobility tray, ReTurn and Footstool designed for children in wheelchairs
  • E-flow rapid nebulisers
  • A prem baby mannequin for resuscitation training purposes
  • Exergen Temporal Thermometer to take children’s temperature more easily

Taranaki Health Foundation general manager Bry Kopu is encouraging the community to support a number of events being organised to help raise the funds during the three month campaign.

“Last year’s Golf Day was a huge success and this year we’re inviting individuals and teams to get involved on September 27th at Fitzroy Golf Club.

“We’ll also host Runway for a Reason fashion show again, as well as a quiz night at The Good Home, food stalls and two family friendly pool events in New Plymouth and Hawera,” Ms Kopu confirms.
Raffle tickets can also be purchased for five dollars from Countdown stores, otherwise direct donations can be made via the Taranaki Health Foundation online banking:
TSB: 15 3942 0837510 02
REF: Your name

Photo: Staff from Countdown stores and Taranaki DHB (left) and THF’s Bry Kopu with Countdown Manager Shaun Wall


For more information please call:

Beth Findlay-Heath
Communications Advisor
Taranaki DHB
021 665 017



Last updated: Thursday, 15 August, 2019

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