Media Release

May 20, 2009

Quitting smoking makes dollars and sense

When times are tough economically it makes sense to save your money and protect your assets. Quitting smoking gives people a chance to do both says Tamara Higgs, Taranaki District Health Board Health Promoter – “You wouldn’t pay someone to wreck your car – why pay someone to wreck your body?”

World Smokefree Day is coming up (31 May) and the focus this year is on giving quitting smoking a go. Miss Higgs says that this is a good fit with the economic climate, “We are all looking for ways to save money – quitting smoking is a great way to keep more money in your family’s pocket and invest in your family’s health.”

A pack a day smoker could save over $4000 a year by quitting– or $8000 if both parents smoke. Imagine having this much extra money says Miss Higgs, “It could take a lot of stress out of car repairs, school fees, rent payments, groceries and the winter power bill.”

Miss Higgs acknowledges that quitting can be hard and suggests that people find out about quit help available, enlist the support of their loved ones and set a quit date.

“Our World Smokefree Day focus is on supporting people to quit and helping them onto a fresh start, free of all tobacco.  It’s a win-win situation, as people will gain health and financial benefits from quitting ” says Miss Higgs.

Free help is available from Ngati Ruanui Health Services 06 278 1310 or Piki Te Ora Nursing Services 06 759 7305 for those wanting to quit smoking.

Here are some top tips for quitting:

  • Call the free Quitline on 0800 778 778 and check out what it offers
  • Get some nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) such as patches or gum. They can double your chance of stopping – talk to your Quitline advisor, Aukati KaiPaipa quit coach, GP or pharmacist.
  • Write down all the reasons you want to stop and tape it to the fridge to help you stay motivated.
  • Enlist the support of friends, family and workmates – why not quit together and help keep each other on track?

For more information please contact:

Tamara Higgs
Taranaki DHB Health Promoter
06 7537777 ext 8521

For further information on World Smokefree Day go to:

Last updated: Friday, May 15, 2009

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