Health and wellbeing support

Living under the threat of a global pandemic affects us all in different ways. While the risk to people in New Zealand is currently considered low, we all need a bit of support from time-to-time.

If you or someone you know is struggling, free call or text 1737 any time, 24 hours a day for support from a trained counsellor.
You can also call Lifeline on 0800 543 354 or text HELP to 4357.

You can also find other great places to get support listed below.

National helplines

Healthline0800 611 116

0800 Hey Bro0800 439 276 – this number is setup for men who feel they're going to harm a loved one or whānau member

Suicide Crisis Helpline0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)

Samaritans0800 726 666

Depression Helpline0800 111 757 or free text 4202 (to talk to a trained counsellor about how you’re feeling or to ask any questions). Includes specific support for COVID-19. Also see the Small Steps Facebook page:

Anxiety Helpline0800 269 4389 (0800 ANXIETY) provides free national 24/7 support, information, and advice about managing anxiety and stress, including taking callers through breathing and relaxation techniques, and supports callers to learn and practice anxiety management skills

OUTLine NZ0800 688 5463 (0800 OUTLINE) provides confidential telephone support for people in the LGBTQIA+ community, available evenings from 6pm–9pm

Mental Health Foundation – visit the website for a range of up-to-date resources, including:

Self-help tools

Melon is an app with a health journal, resources and self-awareness tools to help you manage your emotional wellbeing. You can also join their online community to connect with and support others, and watch daily webinars about health and wellbeing

Mentemia is an app that you can use to monitor, manage and improve your mental wellbeing by setting daily goals and tracking your progress

Staying on Track is an e-therapy course that teaches you practical strategies to cope with the stress and disruption of day-to-day life (Just a Thought)

Working through depression is a personalised online programme that focuses on positivity, lifestyle changes and problem solving (The Journal at

Working through problems with Aunty Dee is a tool to work through problems, generate ideas and find a solution (Le Va)

Whakatau Mai | The Wellbeing Sessions are free, virtual community events aimed at supporting wellbeing in real-time – to help you connect you with others, learn and practice new skills, and start looking at things differently.

Māori health support and information

Websites, e-therapy tools and helplines for children and young people

Learn more about mental health issues (Mental Wealth) – an online e-therapy tool from the University of Auckland that helps young people learn skills to deal with feeling down, depressed or stressed

Recognising and understanding depression and anxiety – or email or free text 5626

Aroha is a chatbot that uses Facebook Messenger and is designed to help young people cope with stress at this time. It provides practical, evidence-based tools to manage stress, maintain social connection and stay active and well through youth-friendly digital activities

Youthline’s web chat, where young people can talk one-to-one with a real person

Youthline – Free text 234 or email

Melon Health has a range of online resources specifically for young people

Kidsline0800 543 754 (0800 kidsline) for young people up to 18 years of age. Open 24/7

Bounce is a youth-led project developed by New Zealand Red Cross for young people and by young people with tips, ideas and inspiration to help you live life well

RainbowYOUTH provides free 1:1 peer support for LGBTI+ young people, their friends and whānau. Information and guidance about everything to do with gender, sexuality, and being queer and trans

Support for frontline health care professionals and care workers

Health care professionals and care workers can access this confidential service by calling 0800 820 080 to make an appointment with an experienced therapist.

Important websites

For COVID-19 vaccine enquiries email

COVID-19 Healthline number

0800 358 5453